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St Louis
Beard & Mustache Club
501 c(3) Non-Profit Organization

Facial Hair, Charity, Brotherhood
Josh Cozad
Meetings & Events
We have a recurring monthly meeting that occurs on or around the first Thursday of the month at differing locations throughout the St Louis area.
MARCH 2nd: Earthbound Beer
APRIL 6th: Schlafly Bottle Works
MAY4th: Bluewood Brewing
JUNE 1st: Square One Brewery & Distillery
JULY 27th: Urban Chestnut Brewing Company
Click here to find our Facebook events!
Family Bowling Trip
Saturday, December 10th @ 1PM
Bring the whole family out to Shrewsbury Lanes for an afternoon of bowling with the St Louis Beard & Mustache Club!
Please bring a new, unwrapped gift for an elementary aged child as donation in lieu of monthly dues.
Bowling rates: $4/game and $4/shoe rental
As always, our events are open to the public and we encourage anyone interested in learning more about our organization to join us!

On March 31, 2014 St. Louis Beard & Mustache Club
adopted Heads Creek in House Springs, MO. We have since become members of the Missouri Stream Team (team #4895) and hold bi-annual creek clean-ups in the Spring & Fall. We encourage both members & non members along with their family to join in on the fun!
Bring your creek walking shoes, sunscreen, and the whole family for a mid-day creek cleanup at Heads Creek in House Springs! We'll have water, gloves, cleanup gear, and t-shirts for volunteers!
Please meet in the parking of Buchheit in House Springs!
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